Saturday, March 28, 2009

funeral readings

Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be difficult and may require talking about your feelings, expressing your condolences to a family member or writing about your grief. Even reading funeral poems for someone close can be a very hard and traumatic experience, although this is one thing that I'm glad I did.

For all human beings grief is the most difficult to face and the loss of someone dear to us is very hard to cope. To be given the task of delivering a eulogy is really an honor hence the responsibility of providing a clear and positive picture of the person you will be talking about is in order. Grieve if you must, cry if you have to.

Include in your eulogy the memories and anecdotes that best describe the deceased from your perspective. We leave the dark and dim home of our mother's womb to discover a new home in a brighter, wider world. The tapestry of their human life is finished and hanging in the living room of God's house.

And it doesn't end after death. It should be written and delivered from the heart.

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